The Pharma and Life Sciences have a reputation of lagging behind in certain technology areas, either because of fears around regulatory concerns or the cost of migrating legacy applications. Founded or not, companies with a legacy set of applications face a challenge of how to move to modern solutions like Cloud, robotic process automation, micro-services, AI/ML, AR/VR, and the host of other acronyms you read about daily.
Add to those concerns, from a pure financial point of view, it rarely makes sense: retiring a fully capitalized system with very few resources supporting it cannot be justified in a vacuum. But the reality is that your legacy systems are the anchor that will keep you moving forward.
It’s more than the fact that newly hired employees may prefer to work on more modern applications. It’s more than the issue of silos working separately, and not overall outcomes based. Legacy applications will always be the long pole in the tent. You can certainly put in an integration platform, but you will always find yourself throttled by the underlying legacy systems. So where do you start?
First, start with a vision … something akin to “We will be 100% cloud-based by 2023” and pivot your entire organization to that goal.